Can't we just Elope?

Can't we just Elope?

February 14, 20223 min read

This Blog post is for couples who are at the end of their rope with wedding planning, not for those who have decided that an Elopement is their dream. There's an entire post and support for you, my friend! Be encouraged--you have chosen what is right for you!! You, too, will endure a lot of planning and preparation and are included here!!

If, however, you're planning the Big Wedding-this is for you. You are exhausted, overwhelmed and on the brink of giving on and be encouraged!

Shouldn’t we just elope?

You’ve at least though about it….

But you’re in too deep.

You’re SO close.

There’s SO much to do!

OK. Let’s talk this out because it’s natural to want to just get married and have the big wedding!

If you stay the course, how will you get yourself organized? What is the biggest “pain point” you can identify? How will you solve that problem?

Organization: How are you organized? Do you know what to do and when? Did you print the Freebies on this website yet? The calendar and the plan-if not, get those printed. From there, you can make a schedule. THEN a “To-do” list.

Now let’s talk about that list. It’s not JUST your list! You’re getting married, so that means you have a partner who is capable of knocking a few things off of that list too. BAM! Your list just shrunk. Who else can you assign? What can you ask for help with?

Oh-another rabbit trail (don’t you just love those?)! Asking for help does NOT mean you’re not capable, it means that you’re strong enough to relinquish a little control, and provide an opportunity for another person to jump in and feel like they matter. And what strong, capable person doesn’t want to do that for another human?

OK. Back to the blog…..What bothers you the most about planning your wedding? What is weighing most heavily on you right now? What task are you avoiding? Yep. By now you know me well enough. I’m just going to say it. Get THAT done. Whatever it is. It’s time. It may be scary, but if you just start, it’ll be over with sooner than if you put it off.

Here’s what I do when I have a task that I’d rather avoid: I make a “love-it/loathe-it sandwich”. I choose to do something I enjoy, then I tackle the task I’d rather not, then I follow up with something else I enjoy.

For example: I don’t love having hard conversations that reinforce my boundaries. So, I might choose to work on a something creative, have that hard conversation (which by the way, is really good for me), then go get my nails done, because I deserve something great after I did something difficult.

Or, maybe having a Wedding Shower is going to be very difficult for you because….strangers and attention…, maybe you get your nails done first, go to the Shower feeling confident, then go out to dinner with your fiancé afterwards as a reward. That difficult thing is made much more palatable because it’s in the middle of two things you enjoy. PLUS, you met some great people at your Shower and now won’t feel so awkward at your reception. Bonus!

So, after reading this post, and thinking it through… you still want to elope or do you want to escape for a moment to get yourself organized and back on track? This is hard, my friend! People pay big bucks to have someone do what you’re doing for yourself and your fiancé. I’m proud of you! Your tenacity, your grit, your creativity!! You’ve got this! I believe in you!

(but seriously!! What IS your biggest hurdle right now? Join the DIY Wedding TRIBE on Facebook and let us know! We’ll work it through with you!)

Happy Planning!~Corri



DIY BrideDIY WeddingExhausted DIY BrideBig Wedding Blues

Corri Lewis

Corri has been planning weddings and events for over 3 decades and has authored 4 books (keep an eye open for book #5!) She loves everything about weddings--and, as her husband says, 'can squeeze a dollar out of every nickel'! She is a DIY'er at heart, and loves to create beauty on a budget!

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