Working with the DIY Wedding Coach Terms and Conditions
Welcome! I am delighted to be your Coach and look forward to coaching you toward your goals. I want to give a framework for our relationship, and on a business note, I have some policies and procedures I want to familiarize you with. If you have any questions regarding these, we can freely discuss them further.
1. Commitment You have signed up for a 12-course coaching/mentoring program. If you are enrolled in the Group Coaching Program, you will be invited to join the Facebook group where The DIY Wedding Coach Team will be available daily for you to post for support. Because this is an ongoing program with enrollment at your leisure, group participants will be at varying stages of their planning. You may provide encouragement and support inside the group. Coaches will provide ongoing answers and support to the group participants.
2. The Facebook Group is private. Only participants who have paid for the coaching course are invited to participate. Once inside, you are free to ask any questions and share concerns that relate to your wedding. We are here to support you, and the group will help you problem solve. Again, past participants who are still working on planning their wedding will be inside the group, so please understand that members will be at various stages of planning. This is not a competition or a race. You are in your own marathon, working through the timeline we will create together. Please remember, “A rising tide raises all ships”. What is said in the group stays in the group in order to maintain confidentiality. If you are enrolled in the Wedding Day Coordinator (non certified) Program, you may ask questions on The DIY Wedding Coach Facebook page, or The DIY Wedding TRIBE public Facebook Group. Please join and ask any wedding related questions there.
3. Fee The fee for the Independent Study Program is $347.00 and has been paid in full in order to gain course access. The Wedding Day Coordinator (non-certified) is $97.00, and has been paid in full in order to gain course access.
4. Confidentiality All information discussed and/or shared during coaching sessions will be kept strictly confidential (unless required by law). Your willingness to be honest will be treated with ultimate respect.
5. Coaching/Mentoring relationship Coaching is not advice, therapy, or counseling. In this instance, the staff will coach you through the process of planning your wedding. The DIYWV Staff is here to answer questions and ask questions that will empower you to make decisions. We will support your dream wedding, and together we will make your dream a reality! Throughout our coaching relationship, the conversations will continue to be direct. You can count on us to be honest, straightforward, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests. The purpose of our interaction is to hold your focus on YOUR desired outcome and to coach you to stay clear, focused and in action. Please understand that the power of the coaching relationship can only be granted by you. I invite you to use this relationship to find clarity, discover your great potential, and to powerfully achieve actions. Coaching involves dialogue between a coach and a client with the aim of helping the client obtain a fulfilling life. This is achieved by helping the client establish what is important to them and by clarifying their values. With the client's input the coach co-creates value based goals and a plan to achieve them.
Three (3) months after your Wedding Date, access to the Group Coaching Course and Private Facebook Group will be terminated.
Coaching Agreement
Coaching is an ongoing relationship between a coach & a person who desires/wants coaching.
We agree that:
1. Coaching is not therapy, counseling, advice-giving, mental health care, or treatment for substance abuse. The coach is not functioning as a licensed metal health professional, and coaching is not intended as a replacement for counseling, psychiatric interventions, treatment for mental illness, recovery from past abuse, professional medical advice, financial assistance, legal counsel, or other professional services.
2. Coaching is for people who are basically well-adjusted, emotionally healthy, functioning effectively, and want to make changes in their lives or grow in new directions.
3. This Coaching program is designed to address issues the person being coached would like to consider as they plan their wedding. This could include (but not limited to) relationship enhancement, lifestyle management, life balance, decision making, and achieving short term or long-term goals.
4. Coaching will be an ongoing relationship that will cover the stated 12 module course program period. Coaching will be done in the private Facebook group that is mutually agreed upon by both parties.
5. Coaching can involve brainstorming, values clarification, the completion of written assignments, education, goal setting, identifying plans of action, accountability, making requests, examining lifestyles, and questioning in order to grow.
6. Coaching is most effective when both parties are honest and straightforward in their communications.
7. Coaching is to involve payment for services, prior to its beginning, both parties will agree on the fee, form of payment, procedures for cancelled appointments, and initial length of commitment.
8. Coaching is a confidential relationship and the coach agrees to keep all information strictly confidential, except in those situations where such confidentiality would violate the law.
Coaching has proven to have very powerful results when a person is ready to learn more about him/herself and his/her relationships with others. It is a combination of deepening learning about negotiating and reacting to the environment, as well as forwarding action toward making long term behavior changes. People find that once they clearly understand where they are today and where they want to be, closing that gap will enable them to enhance interpersonal effectiveness, make a personal change, improve their results and/or create a more satisfying and joy filled successful life.
The Coaching Relationship allows you to:
1. Take more, better and smarter actions. You create the vision and the goals you want. My coaching will help you identify what you want. This is different from what you “could, should, ought to and have to do.” When you can envision your dream wedding, you will naturally and consistently make choices that honor your vision.
2. Stretch yourself. You will find yourself stretching out of your comfort zone and experiencing growth in the areas of discomfort. This is normal. All dreams are made bigger than ourselves and we need to grow to fit into them.
3. Make better decisions. As your coach, I am fully committed to supporting your overall wedding agenda and the agenda you bring to each of our conversations. To that end, my role is to be vigilant in ensuring your decisions are in service of what you want to achieve or accomplish.
COACHING EXPECTATIONS Every professional coach has his/her own unique style of coaching. I use the co-active model of coaching which means that the coach and the client are active collaborators. In co-active coaching, our relationship is an alliance between two equals for the purpose of meeting your agenda.
The four cornerstones that form the foundation of co-active coaching are:
1. My clients are naturally creative, resourceful and hold the answers! I create the structure, but you have the answers or can find the answers. I ask questions and we will work together to find solutions.
2. The agenda comes from the client. In a co-active coaching relationship, the questions come from you, the client, not me, the coach. The coaching relationship is entirely focused on getting the results you want, so you set the agenda by doing your homework and coming to group coaching sessions prepared to ask questions. Each participant enhances the experience of the rest. Answers may come from me, or from “group think”. Ultimately, you will decide which answers to accept. My role is to make sure the agenda doesn’t get lost, and to make sure you are always steering toward your ultimate goal. Your Dream Wedding!
3. The relationship is a designed partnership. In co-active coaching, the power is granted to the coaching relationship- not to the coach. You and I work together to design a partnership that meets your needs and fits your working and learning styles. This process of designing the group partnership is a model of our mutual responsibility for success of the coaching process. My expectation is to see your best. When you decided to work with a coach, you declared a readiness to achieve a new level of personal excellence. I am prepared to support and champion you to reach for more. My role is to facilitate you discovering and eliminating the internal and external obstacles that get in your way of achieving success. I give honest input. In some cases, I will make specific suggestions on how to handle a situation or to pursue an opportunity. I value honesty and will speak my truth and I expect you to speak yours. If at any time something isn’t working for either one of us, it is our joint responsibility to address it immediately so the coaching relationship and your progress aren’t impeded.
1. Make a list of what you really want in your wedding. Coaching fosters the realization of extraordinary results when you have a clear vision and goals, which are based on your values. 2. Expand your level of willingness. Experiment with new ideas and be open to redesign the parts of your life that no longer serve you and your vision. Be willing to: · Change your behavior. · Think differently, have an open mind. · Experiment and try new things. · Remove sources of stress in your life. · Redesign how you spend your time. · Create a vision and blueprint that are exactly what you hope your wedding to be · Start treating yourself better. · Re-look at the assumptions and decisions you’ve made. · Tell the absolute truth in every situation, regardless. · Get the support you need to handle any obstacles that get in the way of your fully realizing your potential. · Raise your personal standards. · Value yourself and your time. · Identify comfort zones in which you are stuck. Be willing to step into areas of discomfort.
3. Come to the coaching session prepared. We have a set amount of time together, so you will want to have an idea of things you want to share and discuss in order to get what you want from the session.
Here’s what I expect:
Beginning with gratefulness leads us to openness to receive the answer
If you are facing a challenge, be honest.
We are all on different parts of our journey. Trust the help that the group can give.
Before you ask in the Facebook meetings, think through: o Is my question clear?
Is it concise?
Am I willing to ask it without background, but willing to give background if necessary?
Asking questions this way will allow for more time during our Coaching times for other participants to ask their questions, too.
What you see as the next thing to work on.
4. Do your homework each week The fieldwork is designed to keep you in action, always moving forward in the direction of achieving your goals. This will include watching the teaching videos and answering any of the questions for that week’s topic.
5. Sign The DIY Wedding Coach ~ Client Agreement